1. Curriculum Development
It is imperative that any recipient of a body of knowledge and skills in the field of alternative medicine becomes effective in the practice of specialization. The CEBHCP reaches out to the teaching facilities involved in this field to assess the respective curricula and determine their course content for possible upgrading.
2. Continuing Education
In order to keep abreast of new knowledge and skills we request our members submit any continued education.
3. Accreditation of Teaching Centres
With a view to ensuring high standards of knowledge and skills the CEBCHP has established a process of accreditation of learning centres. Board-approval is
issued to Centres complying with CEBHCP standards.
4. Certification of Graduates
Based on the recommendations by the
teaching centres, graduates are awarded
certification for their respective feild of expertise.
5. International Accreditation and Certification
Through the international network of
education institutions and practioners the CEBHCP has undertaken to process international accreditation and
certification of graduates.
6. Research and publication
At this stage of development of complementary medicine the CEBHCP
sees the value in facilitating the research associated with the respective specializaions and validates the appropriate treatment modalities.